Ulje Sandalovine: Blagodati, Doziranje I Nuspojave


Video: Ulje Sandalovine: Blagodati, Doziranje I Nuspojave

Video: Ulje Sandalovine: Blagodati, Doziranje I Nuspojave
Video: Maslinovo ulje i limun kao lek za čišćenje jetre, mršavljenje, lice 2024, Travanj
Ulje Sandalovine: Blagodati, Doziranje I Nuspojave
Ulje Sandalovine: Blagodati, Doziranje I Nuspojave

Esencijalno ulje sandalovine važna je izvozna roba u nekoliko zemalja i od davnina se koristi zbog svojih mirisa i ljekovitih svojstava (1).

U različitim zemljama nalaze se različite vrste sandalovine. Posebno se ulje istočne indijske sandalovine dobiveno iz Santalum album široko koristi za liječenje različitih ljudskih bolesti (2).

I ayurvedska i tradicionalna kineska medicina koriste ulje sandalovine za liječenje raznih bolesti. Američka FDA navela ga je kao prirodni sastojak za aromu, a australska Uprava za terapijsku robu navedla ga je kao snažan lijek (1).

Te nam činjenice već puno govore o esencijalnom ulju sandalovine. U ovom postu ćemo vam konkretno reći zašto morate koristiti ovo ulje i načine na koje vam može koristiti.


  • Koja su ljekovita svojstva esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?
  • Koje su blagodati esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?
  • Koje su ostale poznate upotrebe esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?
  • Koji su nuspojave esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?
  • Koja je preporučena doza ulja od sandalovine?

Koja su ljekovita svojstva esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?

Esencijalno ulje sandalovine je (2), (3):

  • Protuupalno
  • Antimikrobno
  • Antihiperglikemijski
  • Antioksidans
  • Antineoplastični
  • Protuvirusno
  • Protiv sunčanja
  • Protiv starenja
  • Omekšavanje kože
  • Protiv akni
  • Oštra toplinska otopina
  • Kemopreventivni

Koje su blagodati esencijalnog ulja sandalovine?

1. Može poboljšati ten

Alfa-santalol, još jedan od glavnih sastojaka ulja sandalovine, inhibira tirozinazu i holinesterazu (enzimi koji kataliziraju proizvodnju melaninskih pigmenata). Zbog ove aktivnosti ulje je aktivni sastojak nekoliko proizvoda za njegu kože (4).

Esencijalno ulje sandalovine obogaćeno je i seskviterpenoidima (molekulama koje molekule kisika dopremaju u stanice), a djeluju kao rashladna sredstva i relaksanti (4).

Neki vjeruju da ulje sandalovine također može pomoći u uklanjanju tamnih mrlja, premda ne postoje istraživanja koja to podržavaju.

2. Može liječiti akne

Esencijalno ulje sandalovine ima protuupalna, antimikrobna i antiproliferativna svojstva. Stoga to može biti obećavajući tretman za akne i druge kožne probleme poput ekcema, psorijaze, bradavica itd. (1).

Adolescenti i odrasli ispitanici s umjerenim aknama na licu koji su koristili ulje sandalovine zabilježili su poboljšanje simptoma bez ikakvih nuspojava (1).

Podaci iz različitih studija navode da se ulje sandalovine dobro podnosi i sigurno je. Ulje se sada proizvodi u skladu s trenutnom dobrom proizvodnom praksom (1).

3. Može stimulirati rast kose

Utvrđeno je da ulje sandalovine smanjuje broj mastocita u istraživanjima miševa. Te stanice raspoređene su oko folikula dlake i mogle bi biti odgovorne za skraćivanje faze rasta dlake (5). Ulje bi također moglo pospješiti rast dlake kod miševa (5).

Istraživači sa Sveučilišta u Manchesteru otkrili su da bi sarandulasti miris mogao potaknuti određeni receptor (nazvan OR2AT4) u tijelu, što može produljiti rast kose (6). Potrebno je više studija kako bi se shvatilo koliko dobro ovaj odorant potiče rast kose kod ljudi.

4. Svibanj promovira san

Santalol, aktivna komponenta ulja, pomaže smanjiti ukupno vrijeme buđenja i povećava ukupnu fazu spavanja brzom kretanju očiju (NREM) (7).

Santalol is absorbed into the blood via the respiratory mucosa and is hence effective in promoting sleep. The essential oil can help individuals who have trouble falling asleep (7).

5. May Reduce Anxiety

Aromatherapy using sandalwood oil is effective in reducing anxiety. In studies, sandalwood oil (along with other oils) could reduce anxiety in women who were undergoing breast biopsies and in palliative care patients (8), (9).

Though the results seemed to support the idea that sandalwood oil may reduce anxiety, more large-scale studies are warranted (9).

6. May Fight Inflammation

Sandalwood oil inhibits oxidative enzymes and protects against oxidative stress. As per research, the oil suppresses the production of several pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines (compounds produced during inflammation) (1).

7. May Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Sandalwood oil also possesses antipyretic, antiseptic, and diuretic properties and can be effective in treating diseases of the urinary tract (10).

It is also believed that sandalwood oil may have a disinfecting action that treats infections of the urinary tract. However, more research is warranted here.

8. Could Act As An Antiseptic Agent

Sandalwood oil has antiseptic properties. It could be effective in the treatment of bronchitis, cystitis, and dysuria (10).

As it is a potent antiseptic and astringent, it may be used to treat inflammatory skin disorders like psoriasis (11).

9. May Boost Memory

Sandalwood essential oil can be used to promote mental clarity and boost memory (12).

A study conducted using mouse models has demonstrated significant improvement in learning and memory following the use of the essential oil. This was especially true during the growth spurt period (13).

10. May Control Blood Pressure Levels

In a study, different types of sandalwood essential oils could significantly reduce systolic blood pressure. The oil, along with other essential oils, could help in the recovery from stress (14).

Some research shows that a specific type of sandalwood powder contains mildly sedative ganglionic blockers or hypotensive agents that may help lower blood pressure (12).

11. Could Reduce Stress

Aromatherapy using essential oils has been effective in reducing stress.

Researchers investigating the physiological effects of sandalwood essential oil on human beings found that the oil could alleviate the physiological reactions to stress. The oil was also found to ease recovery after being exposed to stress (14).

12. May Help Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Essential oils have specific properties that ease and balance menopausal symptoms. Sandalwood oil contains sesquiterpenols that calm your nervous system down – and this might help ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes (15).

In clinical studies, the oil has also been found to offer relaxing properties (15).

13. May Reduce Body Odor

There is little research here. Some reports suggest that the delightful aroma of sandalwood powder may help rid of body odor that could come from excessive sweating (3).

The oil may also alleviate unpleasant body odor, though research is limited. It is valued highly for its fragrant heartwood and is used in perfumes for its excellent fixative properties (3).

Insufficient Evidence For

14. May Help Relieve Stomach Issues

Sandalwood essential oil is believed to have been used in Chinese medicine to treat stomach pain and vomiting. It is thought that the antiviral and antibacterial activities of the oil help fight against Helicobacter pylori (the leading cause of stomach ulcers).

15. May Boost Immunity

Aromatherapy with essential oils like that of sandalwood is thought to boost your immunity by prompting your body to heal itself. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the oil promotes white blood cell production, fights microorganisms, and also improves immune responses in your body. However, more research is warranted in this aspect.

The benefits are amazing, aren’t they? Sandalwood essential oil has other interesting uses too. Check them out in the following section.

What Are The Other Known Uses Of Sandalwood Essential Oil?

In Massaging

Sandalwood oil has been extensively used in aromatherapy and Ayurvedic massages. The oil has been reported to reduce anxiety in patients under palliative care who were treated with aromatherapy massages (9). Massaging with sandalwood essential oil also makes your skin very soft (3).

In Cosmetics

The cosmetic use of sandalwood essential oil has been described in ancient literature. It has been used to make soaps, perfumes, and aromatherapy products. Its wide range of medicinal properties makes sandalwood essential oil one of the best and most reliable ingredients in cosmetics and beauty products (3).

In Ayurveda

Sandalwood oil has been used in Ayurvedic massages and medicines to treat various ailments, such as diarrhea, intrinsic hemorrhage bleeding piles, vomiting, poisoning, hiccoughs, urticaria, eye infections, and the inflammation of umbilicus (12).

In Bath

Sandalwood oil has maintained the original fragrance and properties of soaps intact. The essential oil provides smoothening, hydrating, anti-aging, and moisturizing effects. It also has excellent cleansing, toning, and astringent properties, which make it a prominent ingredient in soaps and creams (3).


Sandalwood essential oil has been long used in food as a flavoring agent. It has no reported adverse effects and is considered safe (16).

In Perfumes

Sandalwood essential oil has a sweet, powerful, and long-lasting fragrance (12). Due to its excellent fixative properties, sandalwood oil has been used to make high-class perfumes (3).

In Aromatherapy

Sandalwood essential oil has been widely used as an aromatherapy agent. Its main component is alpha-santalol, whose antimicrobial properties make it an ideal ingredient in aromatherapy products (3).

The uses of the essential oil are extensive. But we recommend you check the next section as well. The oil might show some adverse effects in some individuals, though they aren’t serious.

What Are The Side Effects Of Sandalwood Essential Oil?

A few possible side effects of the oil could be dermatitis and itching. In animal studies, the oil was also found to be irritating to the skin (17).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the oil may also cause gastrointestinal distress, although this has not been proven.

Certain oils used in aromatherapy, in general, were also found to be likely to cause seizures, coma, and CNS depression in animals (18). If sandalwood oil would have the same effects is yet to be studied.

Please consult your doctor if you are susceptible to any of these conditions.

What Is The Recommended Dosage Of Sandalwood Oil?

Though the ideal dosage of the oil is not proven yet, some believe taking 1 to 1.5 grams of the oil every day (for a maximum period of six weeks) can help treat urological problems.

As a flavoring ingredient, its recommended dosage is 0.0074 mg of the oil per 1 kg (16).

There is no information on potential drug interactions with the use of this oil.


From being used in perfumes to offering enormous medicinal benefits, sandalwood essential oil has a multitude of uses. It’s no wonder that this oil has been used since time immemorial for its wide range of medicinal properties. However, more research is needed to confirm its health benefits. Hence, it is best to consult your doctor before using this oil.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What essential oils can you blend with sandalwood essential oil?

You can mix the following essential oils with sandalwood essential oil:

  • Bergamot
  • Geranium
  • Vetiver
  • Lavender
  • Myrrh
  • Ylang-ylang
  • Rose

How to make sandalwood essential oil at home?

Purchase sandalwood chips or sandalwood powder online or from health stores. If you have purchased sandalwood chips, use a mortar pestle or a coffee bean grinder to crush them. Mix the powder with a cup of olive oil and let it sit for a week. Keep shaking it occasionally.

Strain the mixture and push down the sandalwood powder to extract as much oil as possible. Store this home-made sandalwood essential oil in a glass bottle (in a cool, dark place). Remember that the homemade oil can be as potent as one that you buy from the store – and it can be strong enough to cause allergic reactions. Thus, exercise caution. Please do a patch test before using it.

Why is sandalwood essential oil so expensive?

Nestašica i velika potražnja za sandalovinom glavni su razlozi zbog kojih je esencijalno ulje skupo. Također, treba oko 15 godina da drvo sandalovine proizvede održivu količinu srčanika. Berba traje preko 25 do 30 godina.

Može li esencijalno ulje sandalovine pomoći kod mršavljenja?

Nema istraživanja koja navode da ulje može pomoći u gubitku kilograma.

18 izvora

Stylecraze ima stroge smjernice za izvor i oslanja se na recenzirane studije, akademske istraživačke institucije i medicinska udruženja. Izbjegavamo koristiti tercijarne reference. Možete pročitati više o tome kako osiguravamo da je naš sadržaj točan i aktualan čitajući našu uredničku politiku.

  • Sandalwood Album Oil as a Botanical Therapeutic in Dermatology, The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • East Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L.) oil confers neuroprotection and geroprotection in Caenorhabditis elegans via activating SKN-1/Nrf2 signaling pathway, Rsc Advances, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.




  • Critical review of Ayurvedic Varṇya herbs and their tyrosinase inhibition effect, Ancient Science of Life, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Hair Growth-Promoting Effects of Lavender Oil in C57BL/6 Mice, Toxicological Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Olfactory receptor OR2AT4 regulates human hair growth, Nature Communications.


  • Effect of santalol on the sleep-wake cycle in sleep-disturbed rats, Japanese Journal of Psychopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Aromatherapy With Essential Oils, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health.


  • Evaluating the effectiveness of aromatherapy in reducing levels of anxiety in palliative care patients: results of a pilot study, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Status and Cultivation of Sandalwood in India, USDA, U. S. Forest Service.


  • East Indian Sandalwood Oil Is a Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor: A New Therapeutic Option in the Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Disease, Frontiers in Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.




  • Sandalwood oil treatment during growth spurt period improves learning and enhances memory, ResearchGate.


  • A Pilot Study on the Physiological Effects of Three Essential Oils in Humans, Natural Product Communications, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.




  • Safety assessment of sandalwood oil (Santalum album L.), Food and Chemical Toxicology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Sandalwood Oil: Phytochemical and Pharmacological Updates, ResearchGate.


  • The safety issue in aromatherapy, Aromatherapy Science.
  • https://www.pharmpress.com/files/docs/aromascich07.pdf


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