Top 101 Moderna I Pametna Frizura Kojom Se Morate Razmetati Ovog Ljeta


Video: Top 101 Moderna I Pametna Frizura Kojom Se Morate Razmetati Ovog Ljeta

Video: Top 101 Moderna I Pametna Frizura Kojom Se Morate Razmetati Ovog Ljeta
Video: Top 7 - Najbolje Muške Frizure 2019! 2024, Travanj
Top 101 Moderna I Pametna Frizura Kojom Se Morate Razmetati Ovog Ljeta
Top 101 Moderna I Pametna Frizura Kojom Se Morate Razmetati Ovog Ljeta

Jeste li spremni zaživjeti svoju ljetnu modu nekim nervoznim frizurama? Želite istražiti najtoplije trendove kose ovog ljeta zbog kojih možete postati središte atrakcije na svakom događaju? Sjajno!

Dopustite nam da vas upozorimo s najsuvremenijim ljetnim trendovima kose i izgledamo izuzetno prekrasno. Za više pročitajte u nastavku

1. Vogue Bob:


Bez obzira jeste li plavuša ili brineta, ovaj će vas mode izgled definitivno učiniti žarišnom točkom na bilo kojem događaju. Ravne rese i zaobljeni krajevi daju bobu dužine do brade super stilski završni izgled.

2. Kovrčava kosa Bob:

Kovrčava kosa-Bob1
Kovrčava kosa-Bob1

Volite svoje sladostrasne kovrče, ali ne znate kako na njih nositi šik bob stil? Pronađite inspiraciju ovdje. Ovaj bob kovrčave kose savršen je za lica u obliku srca, a svjetlucava jantarna sjena daje mu potpuno novu dimenziju.

3. Jednostavni asimetrični Bob:


Sportska lijepa frizura nije ograničena na određenu dob. Pogledajte ovaj trendovski asimetrični bob i svi ćete biti impresionirani. Nosite ovaj 'hi-lo' stil s povjerenjem i graciozno starite.

4. Valovita kosa Bob:

Valovita kosa-Bob
Valovita kosa-Bob

Mnoge žene imaju prekrasne valovite haljine. Često su razapeti između želje da zadrže haljine dugo i skraćenja da ne bi bili njima upravljivi. Ova frizura je najbolja s oba svijeta. Zlatna plavuša i prirodni tekući valovi funkcionirat će kao savršena kombinacija za vas.

5. Kovrčavi Bob s praskom:


Pogodi što? Upravo smo podigli kovrčavu kosu. Pogledajte onaj bočno pometen, lijepo slojevit prasak obuhvaćajući čelo. Nije li nadopunjavanje preslatkih uvojaka na pravi način?

6. Izlizani srednji Bob:


Bilo da se radi o službenom događaju ili opuštenoj zabavi, zalizani bob najbolji je način da izgledate uredno lijepo, ali i ultra modno. Koristite puno laka za kosu kako biste kosu održali na mjestu. Pazite da vaša odjeća, dodaci i šminka budu usklađeni s ovim izgledom.

7. Teksturirani obrnuti Bob:


Ako ste netko tko voli ići u trendu, zašto se ne biste odlučili za ovaj crni, teksturirani obrnuti bob? Pa, ne zaboravite na sve sitne detalje, kao što su ravne rese, oštri krajevi poput britve i naravno, one funky crvene pruge!

8. Nevjerojatni Puffy Bob:


Imate li dugo, usko lice? Tada je ovo jedna od modernih bob frizura koju možete isprobati. Napuhani bob bit će pravi izbor frizure za dodavanje zinga vašoj ljetnoj modi. Hlače trebaju biti dužine ramena, a dodavanje slojeva na resama čini vaše lice izgledom širim.

9. Uglađeni-n-ravni Bob:


Dakle, imate ravne, fine trese i jednostavno vam je dosadila vaša slojevita frizura. Pa, dajte svojoj kosi šik makeover s ovim elegantnim bobom. Jednostavne, slatke i moderne posebnosti su ovog stila. Što reći?

10. Zaobljeni Bob:


Dajte svojoj kosi savršen retro izgled s ovim kratkim, zaobljenim bobom. Šiška bi trebala padati na rubove obrva, dok bob ne bi trebao prolaziti pored jagodičnih kostiju. Najbolje odgovara ženama okruglog lica i plave kose.

11. Dvostruki ton:


Opisivanje ove jedinstvene frizure je zadatak. ? Ovaj bob s dvostrukim tonovima zapravo je moderan i istovremeno sofisticiran. Ako ste ovog ljeta spremni eksperimentirati sa svojim teksturiranim bobom, igrajte se s crnom i tamno bež plavom.

12. Neuredni Bob:


O da! 'Messy' također može izgledati elegantno, ako ga možete nositi sa stilom i samopouzdanjem. Pogledajte kako je američka glumica Melanie Griffith na ovoj slici izbacila svoj neuredni bob? Nije li lijepa!

13. Moderan Bob:


Povjerenje je ključ za savršeno nošenje ovog modnog boba. Bilo da je to dio zalizane strane ili intenzivne kestenjaste pruge, ako niste zadovoljni vlastitim izgledom i stilom, nećete ga uspješno nositi.

14. Kratki tupi Bob:


Tko kaže da ljetne bob frizure ne izgledaju pametno? Pogledajte ovaj kratki bob s tupim resama i rubovima i shvatit ćete da ste sve ove godine griješili. Možete čak i eksperimentirati s bojom kose, istodobno se razmećući ovim stilom.

15. Dječački Bob:


Oni koji traže dječački kroj mogu razmotriti ovaj graciozni bob. To je u osnovi višeslojna frizura u kojoj su prednji dijelovi smotani za teksturirani izgled, a ostatak kose održavan do zatiljka.

16. Teksturirani retro Bob:


Ostvarite svoj dugo željeni retro izgled s ovom ekskluzivnom elegantnom bob frizurom. Cijela kosa pretvorena je u ogroman teksturirani val, a boja i sjaj dodaju joj eleganciju.

17. Prekrasni plavokosi Bob:


Plavokose ljepotice mogu zakoračiti stopama popularne pjevačice Pixie Lott i izgledati krajnje prekrasno. Pogled na žensku kosu koja podsjeća na zadirkanu krunu i pada u tekuće slojeve s kafenosmeđim svjetlima! Nevjerojatno!

18. Jednostavno moderan Bob:


Sve to možete pojednostaviti odabirom ovog uobičajenog boba. Ali to ne znači da morate postići kompromis sa svojim količnikom stila. Jednostavnost je najveća karakteristika ove frizure i stoga ćete izgledati suptilno lijepo.

19. Opušteni Bob:


Opušteni bob idealan je izbor za sve povremene događaje. To je jedan od najnovijih trendova koji definitivno ne biste trebali propustiti. Uparite ga sa bilo kojom od svojih omiljenih ležernih odjevnih kombinacija i svi ćete biti spremni za "show-stopper".

20. Klasični Bob:


Oživite stari šarm s ovim klasičnim bobom i izgledajte kao prava diva. Ako volite ići retro putem, ova frizura sigurno bi vas uzburkala. Dodajte zapanjujuću crnu boju i male intenzivne kovrče odabirom nekih tradicionalnih dodataka za kosu.

21. Seksi Bob:


Bob nas ne samo da činimo šik. To može učiniti da i mi izgledamo seksi. Ova slika Ashley Greene dovoljna je da to dokaže! Ova frizura je najprikladnija za djevojke sa srcem ili ovalnim licem i gustom kosom. Stvorite one seksi kovrče i tamno zlatno smeđe sjaje kako biste postigli izgled u cijelosti.

22. Gljiva Bob:


Rezanje gljiva jedno je od najmodernijih bob šišanja koje je uvijek fasciniralo strastvene ljubitelje frizura. A sada probajte i na bobu. Duljina kose trebala bi biti do sredine ušiju, dok bi prednji dio trebao dosezati vaše gornje kapke. Hrabre usne i ova frizura idu ruku pod ruku.

23. Oštri sloj Bob-a:


Evo još jedne cool bob frizure koja bi vam pomogla stvoriti vlastiti stil. Napravite slojeviti bob kroj i napravite vrhove kose britkim. Upravo ste otkrili super-modernog sebe, ne!

24. Asimetrični korak Bob:


Kao što je ranije rečeno, asimetrični bob jedna je od najprivlačnijih frizura koju niti jedan ljubitelj boba ne može zanemariti da isproba. Na ovoj je fotografiji Victoria Beckham još više napuhala izgled odlučivši se za stepenice na potiljku. Jesi li spreman za polazak?

25. Slojeviti Bob srednje dužine:

Slojevito-Bob srednje dužine
Slojevito-Bob srednje dužine

Dok nosite bob stil na kosi srednje duljine, uvijek se odlučite za slojeviti kroj. Poboljšat će vaše snažne crte lica. Također, ne zaboravite dobiti lijep, gladak prasak na čelu.

26. Segmentirani Bob:


Segmentirani bob je u osnovi poboljšana verzija teksturiranog boba. Kosu trebate 'teksturizirati' na način da izgleda točno segmentirano. Pazite da se frontalni segment nasloni na sredinu bilo kojeg uha kako biste si dali ženstveni izgled.

27. 'Korporativni' Bob:


Što se tiče frizure koja dobro stoji poslovnim ženama, ništa ne može biti bolje od ovog izrazitog 'korporativnog' boba. Držite se mlazne crne sjene baš poput američke glumice Lane Parrilla i uživajte u svim pažnjama.

28. Ravno odvojen Bob:

Bočno razdvojeno-ravno-Bob
Bočno razdvojeno-ravno-Bob

Ako imate ravnu kosu srednje duljine, idite na bob kroj i nosite ovaj bočno podijeljeni stil za pristojan izgled. Kraj vaše kose trebao bi se odmarati na vratu i možete ih donekle uviti za dodatnu ljepotu.

29. Bob s središnjim dijelom:


Bob s središnjim dijelom može vam pomoći da izgledate izuzetno otmjeno. U slučaju da ste plavuša s dugom kosom do vrata, odlučite se za breskve koje ističu vaš izgled. Inspiraciju potražite u ovoj slici popularne glazbenice Laure Shang.

30. Živahni narančasti Bob:


Što kažete na nošenje živopisne narančaste bob frizure i to s nekim bogatim čokoladno smeđim donjim svjetlima? Isprobajte ovo za uber šik izgled. Sigurno ćete izgledati seksi.

31. Izlizani kratki Bob:


Već ste vidjeli kako se zalizana bob frizura može staviti na kosu srednje duljine. Evo kako nositi isti stil za kratke haljine. Zadirkujte vrh glave kako biste dobili potreban volumen i upotrijebite dovoljno laka za kosu.

32. Super ravni Bob s resama:


Super ravni bob izvrstan je za okrugla ili ovalna lica jer može uravnotežiti zaobljenost stvarajući iluziju duže strukture lica. Šiške lijepo prekrivaju cijelo čelo. Stoga se široko čelo na ovaj način također može sakriti od pogleda.

33. Voluminozni Bob:


Sada je ovdje frizura koju ne može svatko povući. Kao što i samo ime govori, ovaj se stil bavi volumenom i morate imati kosu dugu vrata da biste na savršen način rekreirali izgled.

34. Crvenkasto smeđi Bob:


Idite na ovaj crvenkasto smeđi bob i pojačajte svoj izgled ovog ljeta. To je ništa drugo nego redoviti bob izrezan zaobljenim rubom sprijeda. No, zapanjujuće prekrasna sjena zasigurno će vas učiniti odvojenima od ostalih.

35. Asimetrični kovrčavi Bob:


Mislite li da kovrče i asimetrija nikad ne mogu ići s rukom u ruci? Samo pogledajte sliku i znat ćete zašto ovo nije ništa drugo do puka zabluda. Dakle, pripremite se za oblikovanje svojih prirodnih kovrča asimetričnim bobom ovog ljeta.

36. Uglađeni Bob:


Got fine hair? Style it up in a polished bob. Yes, a simple rounded bob hair can turn you into a glamorous diva, if you go sleek and shiny. This is another example of contouring hairstyle that goes very much well with round and oval faces.

37. Half-n-Half Bob:


From blond to brunette, everyone can give this half-n-half bob a try as it offers an ultra-feminine look always. Being a combination of chin-length bob and slicked-back frontal bang, it comes with great versatility and complements the features of long and oval faces flawlessly.

38. Bright Copper Bob:


If you want to go trendy with your bob, choose the brightest shade of copper. Also, carry it off the right way by picking your accessories and outfit carefully. In this picture, the layered bob is looking strikingly beautiful.

39. Bright Blue Bob:


After copper, it is time for some bright blue hue. This is a dazzling shade of blue on a medium-length bob hair sported by the famous singer Katy Perry. Absolutely eye-catching!

40. Wet-n-Wild Bob:


This bob gives the illusion of wet hair as their ends remain messed up in it. For a wild look, try not to switch to any other color from the jet black. Bright eyes and bold lips match this hairstyle very well.

41. Sweet and Short Bob:

Slatki i kratki-Bob
Slatki i kratki-Bob

If you have a round or heart-shaped face, give this hairstyle a try. It comprises short layers with sharp ends, which embrace the face altogether nicely.

42. Long Stylish Bob:


This long bob is a pretty good option for those scorching summer days. It is a double-layered hairstyle in which the first layer stops at the chin and the second layer goes 2 to 3 inches beyond the neck.

43. Medium-Length Wavy Bob:

Srednje duljina-valovita-Bob
Srednje duljina-valovita-Bob

You’ve already seen how waves can create magic for short bob hairstyles. Well, it is true for medium-length hair too. If you have a long or oval face and medium to thick hair texture, you can sport this hairstyle effortlessly.

44. Highlighted Ultra-Short Bob:


This is an ultra-short bob that does not go past the mid-ears. It is a good choice for round as well as oval-faced beauties. The curled up ends and the coffee brown highlights give the bob an edgy finish.

45. Feathered Bob:


Imagine you get a feather-like feel each time you touch your hair. With this exclusive feathered bob, it can actually turn into a reality. It is mostly a choppy bob that comes with great shine and wonderful bounce. Simply wow!

46. Princess Diana Bob:


Who does not know about the charming beauty of Princess Diana? Her beautiful light golden blond hair is still a matter of talk throughout the world. Lots of layers and intense volume were here signature style.

47. Funky Colorful Bob:


Love to play with colors? This multi-hued bob style will suit your taste for sure. Go lively with the rich pink shade and accessorize your hair with some funky hair pieces. It’s fun!

48. Top Knot Bun:

1. Vrhnjača
1. Vrhnjača

A sleek hairstyle which makes you look neat and tidy, topknots are one of our favorite, simple-to-create hairdos.

49. Messy Bun:

2. Neuredna punđa
2. Neuredna punđa

If you want to add a little oomph to your boring bun, try adding a little volume and keep it messy. The best part about this casual and sexy hairstyle is that it can be worn anywhere – literally. Be it to parties, girls’ night out or even to the gym! This bun needn’t be tidy and that’s the beauty of the look.

50. Side Bun:

3. Side-Bun
3. Side-Bun

Opt for this fun bun hairstyle that is equally glamorous. Take out some loose strands to get a messier and stylish look. This summer hair bun is perfect for evening parties.

51. Headband Bun:

4. traka za glavu
4. traka za glavu

We can’t get enough of this teased up with a headband bun. To duplicate the look big, messy look, begin with teasing your hair until you have a bouffant. Then, brush hair all the way back and gather into a messy bun secure it with bobby pins. Pull strands of hair from the bun for that perfect hairstyle for fancy events. Now adorn a fancy headband for that extra impact and romantic look. Voila! You are done with your hair for the evening.

52. Short, Wavy And Textured Low Ponytail:


A short low ponytail is always a great choice for summer. Deep side-part your hair, add a little volume and texture to the top and make a low ponytail with slightly curved ends right at the nape of the neck.

53. Asymmetric Curly Bob With Clipped Side Sweep:

Asimetrični-kovrčavi-Bob-sa-ošišanim-bočnim zamahom
Asimetrični-kovrčavi-Bob-sa-ošišanim-bočnim zamahom

Look effortlessly trendy during those scorching days of summer with this short asymmetric bob with curly, textured edges. Keep the side sweep away from your face by using a small nice hair clip.

54. Soft Textured Curls With Long Side Bang:

Mekane teksture-kovrče-s-dugom-bočnom-praskom
Mekane teksture-kovrče-s-dugom-bočnom-praskom

Do not let the heat take a toll on your glam quotient. Turn your long locks into soft lustrous curls with a long side sweep swinging over the cheekbone and apply lots of hairspray to keep them in place.

55. High Twisted Bun With Loose Strands:

Visoko upletena punđa-sa-rastresitim pramenovima
Visoko upletena punđa-sa-rastresitim pramenovima

A flat twisted bun positioned at the crown not only gives a neat tidy look, but also offers enough comfort. Smoothen the top hair, create the high bun by twisting the hair up and leave a few strands loose to cuddle your face.

56. Long Waves with Twisted Sides:

Dugi valovi s uvijenim stranama
Dugi valovi s uvijenim stranama

Create a center part and let your long wavy hair flow down your shoulders in a relaxed manner. Now, twist up the front hair from both sides and secure them together at the back. It is an easy way to prevent hair from falling over your face.

57. Sleek Smooth Layers With Outward Feathers:

Uglađeni-glatki-slojevi-s-vanjskim perjem
Uglađeni-glatki-slojevi-s-vanjskim perjem

Hair feathered in an outward direction is very much beneficial for avoiding sweat and staying fashionably stylish throughout the summer. So, get your long layered hair feathered outward and give it a smooth polished finish.

58. Textured Waves With Purple Highlights:


This is a short retro hairstyle in which the side-parted waves are texturized intensively in order to avoid mess and flyaways. The deep purple highlights have made the jet black locks quite eye-catching.

59. Cinnamon Red Layered Bob With Wispy Points:


If you want to ditch your long hair in summer, go for this short and casual layered bob with wispy points. The gorgeous cinnamon red shade is just perfect for raising the mercury in the simplest way.

60. Loose Messy Waves With Hat:


A hat not only provides sun protection to our hair, but it also plays a key role in styling it up. So, keep your messy waves loose and give your oomph factor a boost by picking a nice hat.

61. Fringed and Layered Bob With Razored Ends:


This medium-length bob with straight front fringes is just great for a smart summer look. The ends of the layers are razored as well as slightly rounded in order to add zing to the hairstyle.

62. Very Short Highlighted Bob with Layered Fringes:


Many women like to keep their locks very short during those hot summer days and this boyish bob can be the ideal style for them. Subtle highlights and layered side–swept bang are two specialties of this hairstyle.

63. Fringed Side Braid With Thick Side Bang And Hat:


This is a unique hairstyle in which the dark reddish brown wavy hair is divided into two segments. One of them is turned into a loose side braid, while the other is curled up intensely to get a thick side bang. Spice up your look with random fringes and a nice hat. This choice can be one of the best summer hair color trends if you want to stand out in a crowd.

64. Volumized Topknot With Head Chain:


Nothing can be better than this neat and precise topknot with slightly volumized back for styling the hair on sweaty summer days. The head chain has served the purpose in quite a fashionable way. Isn’t it?

65. Casual High Bun with Short Side Bang:


Here is a casual high bun with a large round shape and a subtle messy finish. It is a very nice choice for a cool summer hair trend and you can add more cuteness to it just by getting short curly bangs over your forehead.

66. Smooth Angular Loop Hairdo With Brooch:


A textured loop can be your savior on those long, sweaty days of summer. Texturize your hair and create an angular loop that sits a little low on your head. A classy hair brooch will make you look even more elegant.

67. Short Curly Ponytail On Layered Hair With Bang:


If you have short layered hair, adopt this hairstyle for this summer without thinking twice. Pull all your hair back together and come up with a semi-high curly ponytail. A sexy side bang embracing your facial structure will enhance your beauty significantly.

68. Soft Airy Waves With Side Sweep:


This soft airy waves of Taylor Swift is enough to turn the scorching summer days into cool and breezy ones. Do not forget to tease up the crown as a little height to it will balance off the look flawlessly.

69. Short Tucked In Bob With Layers:


If you want to avoid sweat, go for this exclusive bob. In this hairstyle, the end of each and every layer is tidily tucked in and textured so that you do not need to worry about removing your hair from your face again and again.

70. Ballet Bun With Pouf And Graduated Fringes:


Just like the topknot, a ballet bun is also considered as a viable option for a cool and casual summer look. However, volumizing the crown before making the bun and adding thick graduated front fringes will add a touch of sweetness to your appearance instantly.

71. Huge Twisted Flowery Updo At The Top:


Summer hairstyle doesn’t at all mean compromising with glamor. Achieve this magnificent look by smoothening your hair and twisting it up into a huge flowery updo right at the top of the head. Apply hairspray to keep the style intact throughout the day.

72. Simple Curly Side Hairdo With Puffy Top:


Now, here is an absolutely simple hairdo in which the top hair is brushed back and volumized to create a puff and rest of the hair is gathered over one shoulder for a beautiful romantic look. Well, make sure that you curl up the ends of the locks to some extent.

73. Brushed Back Top With Straight Layered Bottom:


Check out this sophisticated short hairstyle that can easily turn out to be your summer style statement. All you need to do is brush back the top of your layered hair and straighten up the bottom nicely. You are done.

74. Short Side Braided Waves With Wispy Points:


This is a shoulder-length bob with layered waves, which can give you a pretty girl-next-door look. Here, the hairstyle is upgraded with a thick side braid secured at the back of the head and wispy ends of locks.

75. Bright Red Bandana On True Red Wavy Bob:


Bandana has become a rage these days. So why not make it your signature style for those exhausting summer days? Take a look at the red embellished bandana on the true red waves in this picture and get ready to ape the look.

76. Coily And Voluminous Layered Bob:


Gone are the days when a bob hair was considered boring. You can curl up your layered bob very much in order to create soft luscious ringlets and make your hair look considerably voluminous. Perfect for making the hot summer days even hotter!

77. Long Smooth Layered Locks With Fringes:


Keeping long layered hair loose is an ageless fashion and the best thing about it is that you can opt for it almost any time of the year irrespective of the weather. Short front fringes and silky smooth finish can give it an added glam.

78. Beehive Hairdo With Uniform Fringes:


The secret to this ‘oh-so-gorgeous’ look is a smooth flawless beehive updo. Also, add uniform fringes in order to complement the height at your crown. You are ready with a chic and classy summer party look.

79. Reverse Layered Bob With Side Sweep:


If you have short fine hair, this would be your ideal hairstyle for those scorching summer months. It is basically a shoulder-length bob, which is characterized by reverse layers, side part, wispy points and a long side sweep.

80. Sexy Half Hairdo With Puff And Layered Side Bangs:


Here is an amazing half hairdo for any type of summer events. Add volume to your crown and turn the upper section of hair into a flat bun, while the lower portion should be left loose. A thick layered side bang will give this hairstyle an ultra-feminine touch.

81. Messy Bouffant With Side Sweep And Bow Headband:


No matter whether it is sweaty summer or windy winter, a bouffant can always make you look awesome. Here, it has been given a messy flair for a casual appearance. The side sweep and the pretty bow headband have jazzed up the look significantly.

82. Face-Contouring Bob With Rounded Ends:


A short bob embracing the edges of the face and contouring it perfectly can be a good choice of hair trends for summer. However, make sure that you give it a sleek polished finish by applying lots of serum or mousse.

83. Beautiful Beachy Waves:


When it comes to the hottest hairstyles of summer, we simply can’t afford to miss sexy beachy waves. Can we? Create a center part and let your messy and relaxed beachy waves cascade your shoulders gracefully. Here you go!

84. Half-n-Half Fishtail Braided Pony:


As the name suggests, it is a half-n-half hairstyle which combines a fishtail braid with a straight sleek ponytail. The upper portion of the hair is pulled at the back to create a precise fishtail braid up to the nape of the neck, where it has been secured with an elastic band and turned into a low smooth pony.

85. Loose Twisted Side Braid With Side Bang:


Make every single day of this summer highly fashionable just by wearing this simple and easy hairstyle. Gather all your hair at one side of your head and twist it up into a loose side braid. A long messy side bang will enhance the look to a large extent.

86. Amber Red Pinned Hair With Side Sweep:


This amber red shade itself is enough to warm up the messy waves in summer. If you wish to recreate this specific look, simply create a side part, volumize the top a bit and pin a certain section of hair at the back.

87. Upside Down French Braided Hairdo:


This is a modified version of the regular French braid, which is quite chic and classy. Braid up your hair upside down in the French style and hide the ends into the volumized crown by securing tactfully with bobby pins. A perfect summer updo – we must say.

88. Side Braided Semi-High Ponytail With Braided Wrap:


Wear this exclusive hairstyle this summer and look like a true fashionista from every single aspect. Leave the front hair and come up with a semi-high ponytail with rest of them. Now, braid up the front hair diagonally and wrap the base of the ponytail with it.

89. Long High And Smooth Braid With Hair Wrap:


Those who have super long hair can try out this braided hairstyle this summer and get appreciated. Just create a ponytail at your crown and turn it into a regular long braid. Finally, wrap its base with a thin section of hair.

90. Super Long Braided Pigtails With Puff At Top:


Here is another easy and comfy long hairstyle for a sweet and cute summer look. Create a pouf at the top, twist the hair at both sides and at last, braid up the long pigtails with utmost precision. Voila!

91. Sleek High Ponytail With Pouf:


A high ponytail has always been considered as a big hit for a sultry summer hairdo. Here, the sleek long pony is amped up with a moderately volumized top. Quite edgy, no!

92. Simple Half Updo With Twisted And Folded Hair:


This is a simple half updo, which can make your summer fashion spicier easily. Start with brushing as well as leaving the middle section of your straight locks loose. Now, twist up the front sections separately and fold them into a flat flower-like bun at the back.

93. Luscious Layered Curls with Braided Headband:


There is really no need of fussy hairdos or funky hair accessories, when you have such long voluptuous curls. Adorn your hair with a braided headband and look like the perfect summer princess.

94. Pinned Back Hair With Highly Volumized Top:


Adding volume to the top can change your look completely and that is what you need to follow in this hairstyle. Tease your top-front hair a lot in order to give it incredible volume. Then, pin it at the back and let rest of your smooth straight hair relax.

95. Loose Waves With Angular Loop At Top-Front:


Forget fringes, bangs or irritating flyaways. This innovative hairstyle featuring loose flowy waves and textured top-front hair shaped up in an angular loop will let you enjoy the summer without any mess.

96. Puffy Slicked Back Platinum Blond Hair:


Give your long platinum blond hair a new dimension with this excellent summer style. Tease the top section of your head first and then, slick it back properly. Also, do not forget to apply mousse through the length of your hair.

97. Unique Twisted Updo With Polished Finish:


Make your hair look sleek by applying a good serum and twist it up in a number of ways in order to come up with a unique updo right at your crown area. You are all set with your edgy summer look.

98. High Braided Bun With Texture:


Start with adding texture to your hair by applying hairspray generously. Now, create a huge round bun as high as possible and surround its base section with a thin tight braid. We just love this classic hairstyle.

99. Beachy Ombre Waves With Side Braid:


Ombre hair is all in vogue these days. So, go ombre this summer and give yourself a stylish makeover. You can even add a simple side braid to make your beachy ombre waves look spectacular.

100. Low Twisted Side Bun With Side Braid:


Ako imate kratku kosu, niska bočna punđa također vam može biti dobar izbor za vrućih ljetnih dana. Stvorite polovični omotač tako što ćete napraviti lijepu bočnu pletenicu i pretvorite je u uvijenu bočnu punđu na potiljku.

101. Smart Pixie s intenzivnim uvojcima i teksturom:


Zadnje, ali ne i najmanje važno; ovdje je prepoznatljiva frizura pixie za vas kako biste poljuljali ljetnu modu. Intenzivno uvijte kratke česte slojeve i dodajte im teksturu za pametan, hladan i ležeran izgled.

Koji vam se od ovih ljetnih trendova kose najviše svidio? Zašto mislite da će se frizura dobro slagati s vašom osobnošću? Podijelite svoje stavove s nama.


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